Webinar Recording: The Fight Against Magecart & Formjacking
A RH-ISAC and Source Defense Presentation
Magecart, an umbrella term for dozens of criminal groups that place skimming code in the Javascript of websites to intercept data typed into forms on online stores, is one of the leading threats facing e-commerce today.
With the retail world now more than ever positioned to favor online transactions, Cyber Monday has quickly gone from a one day event to the new normal for retailers to keep their customers engaged and ensure spending habits continue. While Magecart and similar threats have been on the rise, experts predict we haven't seen the worst of it and these malicious threats should not only be something we should expect, but organizations should plan for.
Attend this session and learn:
What a real-time demo of a Magecart and Formjacking attacks look like
Why 3rd Party vendors are a vital point in your security strategy session
Formjacking and Magecart predictions for the next 12 months
An overview of the different technologies used to try and resolve these attacks - pros and cons
Best practices to ensure your website is safe from these attacks
Watch the on-demand webinar today to learn more.