A Rapid Action Plan for PCI eSkimming Compliance

October 10th, 2024

2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

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We are six months away from the PCI DSS compliance requirement to have eSkimming security controls in place on your eCommerce sites. The resounding advice from the recent PCI North America conference is DO NOT WAIT - GET MOVING NOW! 

As the deadline rapidly approaches, millions of merchants have yet to act. It is crucial that you get moving but equally important that you equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies needed to meet requirements 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 with ease, with confidence that your chosen solution will deliver out-of-box compliance; and that your approach is the most cost-effective possible. You need to get moving on the right foot and Source Defense is here to help! 

Join us on Thursday, October 10th for an information packed webinar where we will: 

  • Discuss New Trends in eSkimming: Recent reports show a 103% surge in attacks; card associations are saying 80+% of fraud is eSkimming related; Source Defense and Verizon have partnered to shed light on the growing threat surface - learn why the time to act is NOW. 

  • Provide Expert guidance on the scope of PCI DSS v4.0.1 req. 6.4.3 and 11.6.1: Hear feedback consolidated from VikingCloud, CoalFire, and hundreds of QSAs related to scope, your responsibilities as a merchant, and the role your partners must also play. 

  • Flag Pitfalls to Avoid in certain approaches: All controls are not equal - we'll discuss pitfalls to avoid using Content Security Policy (CSP) and other methodologies

  • Demo the 'set it and forget it' Source Defense Platform: We'll give you a full demo of the platform of choice for more than 1,000 leading brands around the world.  

  • Introduce Source Defense N.O.W. - we'll walk you through a rapid action plan that can solve the problem for you virtually overnight...
    - No deployment necessary options 
    - One meeting to get compliant
    - Works out-of-the-box (with compliance processes and reporting built-in) 

We've helped more than 1,000 of the world's leading brands address the eSkimming threat; we are trusted by hundreds of QSAs around the globe; we are a trusted member of the PCI Community and we're ready to help you with a rapid action plan - Source Defense NOW